What do you give out to your trick or treaters? As a dietitian (along with other dietitians I know), this is a question we get over and over… whether it is at this time of year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Birthdays. We’re still trying to kill the stigma of being the “diet police”! But guess what? We give out chocolate, or candy, or chips. I know there are others who may also give out pencils or fruit or another healthy “treat”, whether it is food or a non-food item. And you know what? This can be anyone, not just those who live, love and preach nutrition information!
As a society, more individuals are becoming aware of the food choices they are making – I think it’s important that we are looking at and questioning ingredients in processed foods, labeling and the marketing tactics that are hidden behind so much of the industry’s motives. At the end of the day however, we have to live within the food environment that surrounds us all. YES, I am a firm believer that your home environment is a key to this success (something I work with my clients to achieve), but we most likely leave the house and see convenience or packaged foods at every corner, and some grocery stores definitely don’t hide the packaged sweet and savoury stuff at the back of the store!
So let’s be real this Hallowe’en! Have a treat! Having been that person while growing up to throw back a chocolate every time a treater came around, or hide in the closet eating 5 mini chocolates to make sure no one saw me, I know it can sometimes be a challenging situation. I thought a few pointers may help you along this season so that you’re not haunted by the Candy Man.
- Have a balanced dinner set and prepped for your Hallowe’en night, or you may just make a meal out of chocolate and chips! Yes you may get interrupted by the doorbell or a knock, but knowing there’s balance of protein, veg and a grain or starch on your plate, will help keep you satisfied. Plan to have an earlier dinner if you’re going out with the kiddies, so that they’re not tempted to munch on their treats while walking house to house.
- Put a small plate of veggies on the candy table if you feel you’ll be tempted.
- Chew on some gum while handing out candy.
- Hand out candy you don’t truly enjoy for less temptation.
- For the love of God, if you really want a chocolate or a few chips, have it! Sit down and savour every bite. Let your tummy talk to your brain to feel satisfied with the treat, and enjoy it…G.U.I.L.T. F.R.E.E.
- Remember you’re the boss at home when the candy comes back with your kids. No you can’t hide the kids’ treats, and prohibit them from eating them, but set the rules for enjoying the treats in the days to come.
- Return any un-open boxes of candy… that is if you feel they’re better off out of your house.
Just a few tips. See what may work, but remember, embrace the spirit of the holiday – dressing up, being creative, carving a pumpkin! And don’t forget about your Teal Pumpkin to support those with allergies too!
Happy Halloween!