Challenge #23 – August 31, 2010

Week Twenty-three: August 31, 2010

Challenge:  ‘Back to Class’

Well, it’s that infamous time of year again!  Back to class, back to regular routine and back to preparing and making nutrient-packed lunches to keep us all going throughout the day.  We’ve been preparing lunches all throughout the summer, but sometimes we can get a little stuck on keeping a variety of meal ideas so that we don’t get too bored too quick.  Our mid-day meal re-energizes, re-fuels and re-sets the wonderful machine that we all are, and it’s important to remember this when choosing different foods to pack with us each day. 

Fresh fruit and vegetables are still in abundance from gardens to farmers markets, grocery stores, and stocked in our freezers.  Fresh tomatoes, peppers, zucchinis and carrots may be pickled and preserved, while fresh fruits can be turned into your favourite muffins or sauces (ie. pear sauce) and shared amongst friends and family.

For everyone, we should aim to include the following in our “away-from-home” meals and snacks:

–       Lunch should include a variety of foods from at least 3 of the 4 food groups (Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk and Alternatives, Meat and Alternatives)

–       Include a fibre source at snacks (ie. fresh fruit or vegetables, whole grains)

–       Limit fat, sugar and salt items

–       Satisfy your afternoon sweet tooth the right way: fresh fruit cup with yogurt and granola, homemade oatmeal cookies

–       Limit your salt intake and avoid adding extra salt to meals and snacks

For children and adolescents, 80% eat their lunches at school, so it is very important for their lunches to be healthy to help them learn, and develop.  Have your child help with lunch preparation, from grocery shopping, to packing last night’s left-overs and choosing their favourite vegetables and fruit.  Most importantly, be a role model! Make your own lunch while preparing theirs as well.  Be environmentally friendly.  Read food labels together to help them understand why one choice is better over another.  Kids are like sponges.  They absorb so many bits of information, and even more when they are actively practicing certain behaviours and skills.

When everyone is involved in healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle you support one another, so that the choices you make become a standard in your every day routines!

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