New Year New You Challenge #1: Step into 2010

Week One: January 4, 2010

Challenge: Move Your Feet For 30 minuteswalking_1

Start slow!  Whether you have been an “avid gym-attendee”, the casual “drop-in” or just starting to incorporate some physical activity into your life, the key to sticking to something in the long-run is a progressive introduction to it all.  The last thing you want is to exhaust every possible muscle on your first shot that you have no will and desire to do it all over again the next day or day after!

If exercise is a new entry to your daily schedule, give yourself 30 minutes every other day, with a focus on increasing your heart rate.  Start with using these 30 minutes to simply walk.  We, as individuals, should be stepping at least 10 000 steps a day to get our muscles moving and lifting our heart rate to further strengthen the most important muscle of the body —your heart!  If you can schedule in 30 consecutive minutes a day, or can get to a gym-setting, jump on a treadmill with a good song list, and get your feet (and arms) moving!  If your daily schedule makes it hard to find 30 consecutive minutes, split it up: 10 in the morning, 10 at lunch and 10 after work/school or in the evening.  Write it in your agenda, program it in your phone or on your computer and just get walking!

If you make your way to the gym, or fit in a little activity when you feel like it, take the time at the start of each week to commit to at least 4 workouts a week.  Commitment is the first step, and getting yourself to the gym or a pair of running shoes on your feet is the next.  Once you’re in the setting or in the attire you just have to start moving—simply moving!  Use the 30 minutes to get you going into your exercise, and then if you feel you want to continue, a little extra just makes the heart stronger and your metabolism moving!

If you are an “avid gym-attendee” and are looking for a subtle change to your routine, or a new challenge to get you beyond a plateau, spend an extra 30 minutes on your favourite cardio machine, increase the intensity of what you’re currently doing, complete an extra half of a class or simply extra time focusing on your core muscles (through your abdominals and back) with added stretching.

Most importantly, acknowledge how you feel after you’ve fit a little activity into your day.  Use this positive feeling to bring you back next time. 

This week commit to 30 minutes a day; whether you’re just beginning, familiar with an exercise routine or looking to challenge what you already do!

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