If you were asked to portion yourself out a plate of pasta [cooked], how much would you give yourself OR what size plate would you use? Over the past few decades, larger food portions have become a norm in our society, acting as one of the culprits in making out society “bigger” in an unhealthy way.
The dinner plate, cereal bowl and standardized cup have all increased in size. Additionally, restaurant, vending machine and supermarket portions have also become larger driving the majority of the consumers to polish off these larger meals and snacks. Though many of us have been taught to finish what’s on our plates, over-indulgence seems to be occurring at every meal as opposed to appropriate adjustments being made throughout the day so that we stay within our individual daily caloric needs.
Based solely on SIZE and caloric difference, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute noted the changes that have occurred over the past few decades:
- Cup of coffee:
- 20 years ago – 8 ounce cup – 45 calories [coffee, milk & sugar]
- Today – 16 ounce cup – 330 calories [Starbuck’s Grande cafe mocha with whip, 2% milk]
- Two slices of pepperoni pizza:
- 20 years ago – 500 calories
- Today – 850 calories
- Chocolate chip cookie:
- 20 years ago – 1.5” diameter – 55 calories
- Today – 3.5” diameter – 275 calories
- Muffin:
- 20 years ago – 1.5 ounce size – 150 calories
- Today – 5 ounce size – 500 calories
- Bagel:
- 20 years ago – 3” diameter – 140 calories
- Today – 5-6” – 350 calories
- Pasta:
- 20 years ago – 500 calories [1 C spaghetti with sauce and 3 small meatballs]
- Today – 1025 calories [2 C spaghetti with sauce and 3 large meatballs]
- Cheeseburgers:
20 years ago – 333 calories
- Today – 590 calories
- Turkey sandwich:
- 20 years ago – 320 calories
- Today – 820 calories
- Chicken Cesar salad:
- 20 years ago – 1½ C – 390 calories
- Today – 3½ C – 790 calories
These comparisons have been made between food choices offered when dining out. So, to save yourself time, money and your waist size, prepare your meals at home as often as possible. This allows you to be in control of WHAT you put in your breakfast, lunch or dinner as well as preparing a healthy, portion-controlled meal.
Additionally, it is important to not put so much stress on calorie counting throughout our days, but rather to focus on healthy eating and making healthy food choices based on appropriate sizes as outlined by Canada’s Food Guide.
For more information check out: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/choose-choix/index-eng.php
Overall, to help “manage” your portions, keep the following in mind, whether preparing your meal at home, or dining out:
- use smaller plates
- hold on the heavy sauces, or ask for a doggie bag right when your food arrives to portion out half of the meal
- skip on the beginning meal bread
- don’t eat in front of the television
- enjoy left-overs the next day for lunch, or freeze extra stew or soup you may have for a quick ready-to-eat meal on the busiest night of your week
- keep easy snacks (ie. raw almonds, fresh fruit, fruit-to-go bars, high fibre/low fat granola bars) in your car instead of stopping for that high-fat muffin if the hunger strikes!
- drink water and always have it handy